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What are the benefits of joining Arizona Flycasters?   You  will become involved with a community of avid fly fishers, eager to share their knowledge and skills with you. Areas of knowledge include fly casting, fly tying, fishing knots, conservation, fresh and salt water fly fishing, lakes, streams, rivers, canals, urban ponds, and entomology (bugs). AFC holds free classes on casting, fly tying, knot tying and other related skills. The club also hosts Outings where you can fish with other club members and if needed, learn from them. We also host monthly meetings where our guest speakers inform us on a variety of fly fishing subjects and locations. 

How to Join

How do I Join Arizona Flycasters?   You can join on this website by clicking the "Join Now" button at the top left corner of the home page, or in person at our monthly meeting.

Membership Requirements

Are there Requirements for Membership?    No requirements. Anyone and everyone is welcome.

When and Where
When and Where does the Club Meet?  Arizona Flycasters conducts a general meeting on the second Tuesday of each month at the Arizona American Italian Club. The meetings begin at 6:00 PM with a social hour followed by a formal meeting at 7:00.  Occasionally the board of directors will substitute an on-line meeting in the event large group gatherings are not advised. The Arizona American Italian Club is located at  7509 N 12th St. Phoenix, Arizona 85020
What Happens

What Happens at the General Meetings?   General Meetings are preceded by a Social Hour which begins at 6:00PM. Quarterly the Club also has a New Member Orientation at that time. A new member welcome table and name tags are provided at the back of the meeting room. A raffle is conducted at each meeting, and the items along with tickets are on display, along with club merchandise for sale and any give away items. The actual meeting begins at 7:00PM with short announcements by some of the committee chair persons, and a few members bragging about recent fishing experiences. This is followed by a short social break. The major portion of the meeting is conducted by a knowledgeable speaker with videos and slides. At the end of the presentation the raffle winner is drawn.

General meeting open to public

Do you have to be a member to attend the general meeting?    No.  Everyone is welcome at the general meeting.

Does Arizona Flycasters conduct regular outings?  Yes.  Arizona Flycasters conducts monthly outings. These include day trips (within 2 hours) to local lakes and streams, overnight camping trips to statewide fishing destinations and one or two multiple day outings which may be out of state.
How to Start
How do I get started in fly fishing?   A desire to fly fish or maybe just a curiosity brought you to this website.  Come to a meeting or reach out to one of the contacts on this website. Maybe you already know a member or encountered a member at one of our events or by chance.  Perhaps you are an experienced fly fisher, and new to the area or have been engaged in other hobbies for a while. Everyone and their family is welcome and we provide activities for all skill levels. 

Do you conduct classes for beginners?  Yes. Arizona Flycasters instructors include certified casting instructors, certified angling instructors, professional fly tiers, experienced coaching and mentoring at all levels. Please wear safety glasses at all fly casting events.

Spouses and Children

Are Spouses and Children Encouraged to Participate?   Absolutely. 

Official Address
PO Box 47357
Phoenix, AZ 85068
United States of America

AFC is a Federal 501(c)3 non-profit, educational entity
incorporated under the laws of Arizona.

Established 1962